
KAPE Smart Beef Traceability System Enhancement

The Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation (KAPE) Case Study

Beef traceability is a system to record and manage all the information about beef’s life cycle including birth of cattle, slaughter, processing, and sale. This system helps to improve consumers’ trust in beef because it enables quick responses to problems of hygiene and safety by tracking the records of problematic beef.

Our mission was to convert the existing system, which had been stably operated for long on .Net Framework, to J2EE-based E-government framework. It was a daunting challenge but something we had to do to reduce system dependence and achieve extensibility. In addition, considering that the UIs of the previous system functioned satisfactorily, the success of the project depended on whether we could develop new UIs that were easily applicable to the new architecture as well as showed better performance.


Download this Case Study to Learn how NEXACRO improved KAPE’s Traceability System:

  • System Stability
  • Efficiency of IT Department Operations
  • User Productivity