Nexaco Studio
Multi-Layout Manager (MLM) helps to rapidly create optimized screen layouts for different types of devices. Screens can be targeted to specific devices or to a range of deploy resolutions.
It camnot readily be adapted to changing circumstances or to stimulate change and innovation. In this respect, the “threshold” can mitigate against improvement. Neither does it take account of “output” standards, the actual level of achievement by graduates, the criteria used to assess these achievements, and how that assessment is verified. Nevertheless, in many European higher education systems, as said here, a “minimum standards” variant has been used if only as a starting point in the quest for quality.
Nexacro makes screen design faster with a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get development environment. The WYSIWYG screen editor accelerates development and reduces errors and design challenges.
Data binding provides a quick and easy way to associate form fields and controls with datasets – accelerating development by simplifying data retrieval and update.