Nexacro is built on modern web standards and provides a robust platform for today and into the future.
Nexacro provides flexible developer tools and an open ecosystem for creating applications that then can run on a modern standards based web architecture. A single code base can be deployed natively or on HTML5.
Autonomy-supportive learning environments enable a student to act in accordance with his or her personal goals, values, and interests (Ryan 8c Deci, 2002). Many motivation and engagement theorists emphasize the importance of enabling students to pursue work that is of personal interest (Covington, 1999; Lepper, Sethi, Dialdin, 8c Drake, 1997; Marks, 2000). Newmann (1992), for example, argued that engagement is generated by authentic tasks that intellectually involve the student with questions or problems that have relevance beyond the world of the classroom and that interest the student personally. By asking students to perform original research on a topic of interest and significance to them, the extended essay and pay for assignments australia, presumably allows students to have an authentic, autonomy-supportive experience.

Nexacro fits with the infrastructure you have today. It is server OS and language agnostic and supports the range from private server to public cloud. It can be the mobile and tablet front end to legacy applications or the foundation for the next generation of development.